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08 Mar, 2025
Businessman Praises Local Open-Heart Surgery Provider
Labasa businessman Jamendra Singh is a testament to the excellent service of Pacific Specialist Healthcare Hospitals (PSH Hospitals) following his successful open-heart bypass surgery in Nadi last month. Mr Singh, 54, from Bulileka in Labasa, began experiencing chest pains and symptoms of heart problems about six months ago. He then made several trips to Viti Levu, particularly to Suva and Nadi, for tests and information on his treatment options. “After six months of running around, I am happy to have had access to Fiji’s largest state-of-the-art 130-bed specialty private hospital, and that too with one of the best specialist doctors and staff available,” Mr. Singh said. Following an angiogram in Nadi, Mr Singh was referred to PSH Hospitals for surgery after angioplasty (stenting) was ruled out as an option. “I was told by specialists that I needed heart bypass surgery as stenting was not an option, considering the condition of my heart,” he added. Mr Singh has operated a successful motor garage in Labasa for over a decade. He is the first heart patient from the Northern Division to undergo open-heart surgery in Nadi. His medical insurance provider, Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Life, arranged all the necessary paperwork for the surgical procedure, which was carried out by highly qualified cardiothoracic surgeon Dr Sanjeev Khulbey and his team of cardiac specialists. “I received VIP (very important person) service, right from the surgeons to the medical assistants and the general staff and management of PSH Hospitals. Their service is number one,” he said. “I am going to tell everyone I meet in Labasa that there is no need to travel overseas, as better services are available locally here in Nadi. It is great news for the people of Labasa that PSH Hospitals is considering setting up here.” Feedback:
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