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From Nirvana to nirvana: Gen X discovers that gated communities are just like mosh pits, but with more pickleball [Murica]
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From Nirvana to nirvana: Gen X discovers that gated communities are just like mosh pits, but with more pickleball (
More: Murica
798 clicks;posted toMain »on 24 Mar 2025 at6:11 PM(1 hour ago) | Favorite | Watch | share: Copy Link
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(11) Funniest
2 hours ago
I'm still a hipster from Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Damn the man.
...and I see more 13 year olds in Nirvana t-shirts than 40 year olds.
(7) Funniest
I live in a Del Webb created, "active lifestyle" community. I'm 66 and I estimate 95% of the population is older than me.
They've already lowered the minimum age from the traditional 55 to 45. They didn't do that because of demand from younger folks but due to lesser demand from the older ones. This kind of place is dying off.
While there is a lot to do I find the clubs somewhat off-putting. Most everybody is ten years older than me and thy love the rules and policies more than the activities. They can take the fun out of anything. And don't get me started on the HOA politics.
I think these communities will die off. I don't think they offer what younger folks want, starting with me. The pressure for housing out there is huge yet no one is buying here now.
Three years ago, we were lucky to get one of the three properties available in this footprint. This screen cap is out of date a bit - there are more places available now.
(4) Funniest
34 minutes ago
Yeah, no. About to pay off our house early which was built in the 60s in a neighborhood where HOAs never existed, deep within the Dallas city limits.
/ from our cold dead hands
Surly U. Jest
(9) Funniest
34 minutes ago
As a Gen-Xer I say fark you.
(0) Funniest
32 minutes ago
I never heard of Dell Webb before but a lot of my coworkers are becoming pickleball enthusiasts and golfing fanatics. I just want a day off from the &*%ing daily commute.
(6) Funniest
31 minutes ago
Mugato: I'm still a hipster from Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Damn the man.
...and I see more 13 year olds in Nirvana t-shirts than 40 year olds.
40 year olds are millennials
(1) Funniest
34 minutes ago
The security at gated communities is not robust enough to keep the riff raff out.
It'll be awesome to watch these places get stormed, and the golf courses turned into tent camps.
(3) Funniest
34 minutes ago
Florida over-55 communities are filled with the most horrible people on earth. Please don't ask me how I know.
As Gavin Rossdale would say - "I don't think so"
(0) Funniest
34 minutes ago
Exercise is stupid, especially with friendly competition I guess.
(4) Funniest
33 minutes ago
I want a retirement home that has a massive collect of role playing games, board games, card games, and all manner of video games, because when I am in my 80s I still want to be playing D&D and Munchkin.
Super Chronic
(0) Funniest
33 minutes ago
About a year ago, on my train to work, I saw a Buddhist monk with a Nirvana (the band) tote bag. With that drunken smiley face logo.
(2) Funniest
33 minutes ago
Once the house is payed off, you might as well bury me in the back yard.
(2) Funniest
31 minutes ago
Mugato: I'm still a hipster from Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Damn the man.
...and I see more 13 year olds in Nirvana t-shirts than 40 year olds.
I know fashion is cyclical but it's been very weird to see current teenagers dressing like all of the people I went to high school with 20+ years ago.
(3) Funniest
35 minutes ago
I live in a rich, WASPy town in MA and the number of these signs is incredible. Some have full flags on flag poles. Children of the 90s
(0) Funniest
31 minutes ago
Gen x here. Wait I'm supposed to be retired? fark. I mean I stopped working hard years ago. But I didn't get the memo. I'd only go into a gated community if there's hungry divorced women by the pack.
(2) Funniest
35 minutes ago
I don't care about their stupid "active" facilities. I want their reasonably small houses, meant for 2 people and maybe one kid. The only options for under 55's are cardboard McMansions or 400 square foot prison cell condos for $3k/month.
(1) Funniest
33 minutes ago
bad_blood: I live in a rich, WASPy town in MA and the number of these signs is incredible. Some have full flags on flag poles. Children of the 90s
[ image 850x637]
90s ain't really genx. That's born 60s-70s
Billy Liar
(1) Funniest
33 minutes ago
I thought we'd agreed to ignore Gen-X.
(0) Funniest
32 minutes ago
I'm 42 and just saw Refused over the weekend. Was hilarious when Quicksand asked the crowd how many people are gonna be in the pit or how many are gonna be too old. Like 3 people raised their hand that they would be in the pit.
(1) Funniest
35 minutes ago
Yeah, I'm not moving all those records, books and cds again. That's what the basement is for. The kids can get rid of them when I'm dead.
(0) Funniest
35 minutes ago
odinsposse: I know fashion is cyclical but it's been very weird to see current teenagers dressing like all of the people I went to high school with 20+ years ago.
Maybe it's because I was a teen in the 1990s but I haven't noticed fashion or hair styles changing much from the 1990s forward. The 1980s had a definite style. The 1970s, 1960s, definitely different but from the 1990s on, aside from Hypercolor shirts and flannel, Gen X didn't really have a look.
I just started watching News Radio again (I'll stop after Phil Hartman died). That was 30 years ago and aside from the large monitors, little cell phone use and political references, there was no "Back to the Future" culture shock.
(0) Funniest
34 minutes ago
justanotherfarkinfarker: bad_blood: I live in a rich, WASPy town in MA and the number of these signs is incredible. Some have full flags on flag poles. Children of the 90s
[ image 850x637]
90s ain't really genx. That's born 60s-70s
Agree but 8 year olds weren't listening to wu-tang when they first hit the scene.
More accurate of me to say "children coming of age in the 90s"
/born in the 70s
(0) Funniest
32 minutes ago
Almost all of my mountain biking friends are gen x. And most of them are hell on wheels. Pickleball seems to be the furthest thing from their minds.
/late season boomer
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
LarryDan43: Exercise is stupid...
So you at least agree with donnie tee on this point.
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
sandbar67: Florida over-55 communities are filled with the most horrible people on earth. Please don't ask me how I know.
As Gavin Rossdale would say - "I don't think so"
The Villages comes to mind...
(2) Funniest
less than a minute ago
sandbar67: Florida over-55 communities are filled with the most horrible people on earth. Please don't ask me how I know.
As Gavin Rossdale would say - "I don't think so"
The trailer park ones are friendly in my experience.
watching the trump bubble grow
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
Maakies- Fear Of Fire
Declassify Issue
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
I don't want a gate slowing down my ambulance ride
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
SplittingAces: Yeah, no. About to pay off our house early which was built in the 60s in a neighborhood where HOAs never existed, deep within the Dallas city limits.
/ from our cold dead hands
Gotta end that with a Y'all
But sentiment appreciated I like my house if I couldn't live upstairs I could live downstairs, the basement is my favorite part of the house anyway.
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
We're seeing a convergence of Gen X reaching their peak earning years...
Peak earning years? Sigh...
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
What's wrong with this concept... oh, that's right, Gen-Z can't afford houses, much less the *really* expensive ones in gated communities.
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
Mugato: odinsposse: I know fashion is cyclical but it's been very weird to see current teenagers dressing like all of the people I went to high school with 20+ years ago.
Maybe it's because I was a teen in the 1990s but I haven't noticed fashion or hair styles changing much from the 1990s forward. The 1980s had a definite style. The 1970s, 1960s, definitely different but from the 1990s on, aside from Hypercolor shirts and flannel, Gen X didn't really have a look.
I just started watching News Radio again (I'll stop after Phil Hartman died). That was 30 years ago and aside from the large monitors, little cell phone use and political references, there was no "Back to the Future" culture shock.
The main change the past few decades in fashion is less about clothing and more about body mods. Tattoos are much more common now. So are piercings of the non-traditional variety and anime colored hair and fingernail polish. We have had a least a couple congresswomen with non-natural colored hair.
(0) Funniest
less than a minute ago
whitroth: What's wrong with this concept... oh, that's right, Gen-Z can't afford houses, much less the *really* expensive ones in gated communities.
Gen X can because they sell their old hose for ten times what they paid for it.
/if you were an adult with a good paying, steady job in 2009 and didn'tpurchase a house you farked up
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