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04 Mar, 2025
Punch-for-punch killer Jason Thomas jailed as victim's final three words read to court
The last words of a victim killed by a thug over an argument about which of the pair could take a punch better were read out to a court. Liam Morgan-Whittle, 22, was with two friends in Llanelli, as well as his former colleague Jason Thomas, where they were drinking pints and sambuca, and taking cocaine. After going back to Mr Davies' flat, they spent time in the living room and continued to take the drugs. Swansea Crown Court heard today the pair argued over who could withstand the most punches. Thomas, 40, said "I'll hit you first" and the victim replied: "Go on then." They would prove to be his last words as Thomas then threw two ferocious punches, causing Mr Morgan-Whittle fatal injuries. The 22-year-old was taken to hospital but could not be saved. The court heard moving victim impact statements from Mr Morgan Whittle's family. His mum, Claire, described her "handsome boy" as a "whirlwind who filled a room even if he did not say anything". She said: "He was my first-born and only son, the young boy I taught to ride a bike, read a book and cwtch to sleep. As a teenager Liam played rugby, loved being with his friends and enjoyed a joke even if it was on him... Not only did you take Liam's life that day, you robbed me of my future." Dad Alan said: "I have seen my family crumble, afraid to sleep, and my daughter detaching herself from our family because she cannot deal with what is going on. How could she? I am unable to tell my family it is going to be okay, because it is not. “Losing Liam shattered our world. Every moment feels like an unbearable weight." Mitigating, John Hipkin KC told the court Thomas had not initially pleaded guilty as he planned to defend himself on the grounds of the victim agreeing to be punched. A Court of Appeal ruling in a different case just before the trial set a precedent that consent is no defence to assault. Mr Hipkin said: "Jason Thomas never intended that Liam Morgan-Whittle be seriously injured, let alone die. There was a punch-for-punch game." Thomas, 40, of Felinfoel Road, Llanelli, was initially arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm but was later charged with the manslaughter of Mr Morgan-Whittle, with whom he had briefly worked for the same construction company. He pleaded guilty on the first day of his trial at Swansea Crown Court. Judge Paul Thomas KC sentenced Thomas to two-and-a-half years in prison. He told the defendant it was "an act of grossest stupidity that cost a 22-year-old man his life". He said: "The four victim impact statements have been exceptionally moving and set out vividly the unbelievable magnitude of Liam's family's loss and suffering. It is trite but true to say no sentence I can pass can compensate for their loss." After passing a sentence of two and a half years, Judge Thomas told Mr Morgan-Whittle's family, who were sitting in the public gallery, that he was "bound by the sentencing guidelines" on what punishment he could impose. He thanked them for their dignity and offered his "profound commiserations for your awful loss". Following the sentencing, Detective Superintendent Wayne Bevan, senior investigating officer, said: “My thoughts first go to Liam’s family and friends, who will forever suffer the consequences of Jason Thomas’s actions. While it will not minimise their loss, I hope today’s sentence comes as some comfort to them in seeing that justice has been served. "The consequences of alcohol-related violence can be tragic as we have sadly seen here, and we urge people to consider the impact their actions could have. If you are faced with confrontation, please just walk away. You might save your own or someone else’s life by taking that brave step.”
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