Staff shortage a big challenge
Source: Fijitimes 03 March, 2023
Staff shortage a big challenge

Fiji Roads Authority CEO Kamal Prasad says a challenge the organisation faces is manpower.

Mr Prasad said since he came into office on January 1, 2022, more than 25 staff members had resigned.

During a news conference on Wednesday, he said there was a need for people with good skills in FRA.

“Now, you will see there are a lot of people moving to Australia and New Zealand and America, Canada,” Mr Prasad said.

“We were the first ones to start losing some people in our team.

“And we are trying to bring back people we lost to replace them, but it is not easy.

“Just today, (yesterday) I received two more resignations, and they were going overseas.”

Mr Prasad said during his tenure he did a lot of training for the FRA staff.

“People go through exams and we have got a standard exam now for people coming into the organisation. “After workers have been in FRA for three to four months they will go through some exams with us.

“There are two set of exams we have had for everyone on the delivery and technical side. “And there are five design personnel who are going through a certain 80-hour design training.

“It is proper on the job training and last week they were in the Northern Division. There is a proper terms of reference written for them on what they have to do to deliver.”