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28 Feb, 2025
Lautoka pool project stalled
The people of Lautoka will have to wait a little longer for their multimillion-dollar swimming pool to be completed. It has now been over six years, and the Lautoka City Council has confirmed that even the rescoping of the existing pool is yet to be completed. The facility was initially allocated $4.5 million, with an additional $1.5 million added to the current budget. Work on the project began in 2018, but in 2020, the contractor was terminated, and progress has since stalled. With half the financial year gone, Lautoka City Council Chief Executive Mohammed Anees Khan confirmed a new contractor is yet to be confirmed. “Once the project manager, with the help of his designers, completes the re-scoping of the project, tender packages will be prepared and advertised for bidding. One tender will cover the completion of infrastructure, mainly civil construction, while another major tender will focus on supplying filtration equipment, expected to attract overseas bidders.” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Professor Biman Prasad, has emphasized that those responsible for implementing government-funded projects must ensure efficiency. Minister for Local Government, in his response, states that the project will be completed in March, next year.
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